Wim Quist Water Cathedral

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In 2015, we conceptualized and designed the interior for the service complex of Evides Waterbedrijf  in Kralingen, Rotterdam, marking the beginning of a fruitful collaboration. Over the years, we’ve undertaken various projects to modernize several locations in alignment with evolving work styles. 

Evides provides drinking water in the Southwest Netherlands and industrial water services both domestically and internationally, encompassing several buildings in the region. Production location Berenplaat is the largest drinking water treatment plant in the Netherlands, featuring several buildings designed by renowned architect Wim Quist since 1959. In 2021, the office building underwent a future-proof renovation, reflecting Evides’ commitment to innovation and sustainability. 

The interior design seamlessly integrates with the Evides Water Company concept, harmonizing with its unique surroundings to create a cohesive and inviting workspace. 

 > Also discover Evides Water Company, location Kralingen 

Photography by Nicoline Rodenburg